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Good attendance is important for many reasons. Your child receives the maximum benefit of education by being in school every day, and numerous studies show a strong link between academic performance and consistent attendance. As Klein Oak High School fulfills our Promise2Purpose, we strongly encourage every student to attend school every day.

Enter Absences Through Skyward!

Klein ISD allows parents to enter absence requests through Skyward. By using your Skyward Family Access account, you will now be able to report your student(s) absence electronically and save the time of writing and turning in notes or calling into the attendance office.

Attendance Office Staff

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the attendance office staff. We are here to help!

Jennifer Carpe

Secretary - Attendance High School
Students - ADA

Gabriela Hernandez

Secretary - Attendance High School
Students with last name E-K

Diane Hogan

Secretary - Attendance High School
Students Last Name R-Z

Jennifer Tuhanowski

Secretary - Attendance High School
Students with Last Names L-Q